Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kung Fu Hustle

When I first saw this movie a while ago, I wasn't too thrilled or impressed but this time around I thought it was hilarious. I definitely enjoyed the east meets west feel to it and the sort of cartoonish feel. It really reminded me of Who Framed Roger Rabbit meets the Roadrunner cartoons I used to watch as a kid and it was enjoyable for nostalgic reasons as well. I was never into kung fu movies but martial arts interested me (I took tae kwon do for a week in middle school). I definitely saw the correlation between this movie and Bruce Lee movies and also the different fighting "styles", whether they are ancient or modern, some where referred to in this film.

I really saw endless references in this film, like many different movies such as The Shining, The Blues Brothers, and Gangs of New York. I saw a movie a while ago, The House of 72 Tennants, and the Pig Sty alley reminded me of that movie too. When Donut dies, he says "in great power lies great responsibility" and all I could think of was Spiderman. This is post modernism that I saw in this film. So many references to other films just for the sake of references. This really makes the film enjoyable (assuming you understand the references) and really does make it very accessible to a wider audience.

I kind of wish I had a reading here because I ran out of things to talk about but I guess this is it!